Non-Compliance detail

Licence number: 5921
Annual Return Start: 25 Sep 2021
Annual Return End: 24 Sep 2022
Date Received: 22 Nov 2022
Licence Condition numberType of non-complianceEPA actionsNo. of times occurred
L6 - Potentially Off Residents have reported to TRC customer service an odour emanating from Forest Road Landfill. EPA action determined as part of scheduled inspection program 2
M2.2 - Air Monitorin Air Monitoring Requirements EPA action determined as part of scheduled inspection program 1
L2.4 - Water Concent Concentration limit exceeded the 100 percentile limit when discharging storm water EPA action determined as part of scheduled inspection program 1
L2.4 Water Concentra Concentration limit exceeded the 100 percentile limit when discharging stormwater EPA action determined as part of scheduled inspection program 1